Take a deep breath...

Welcome to Aspira Psychiatry, the practice of Erica R Holbrook, MD, located in Worthington, Ohio.

Thanks for being here.

Congratulations on making the tough decision to prioritize your mental health.  Be it from Dr. Holbrook or any other mental health clinician, we hope you will take the next step and reach out for for help.  

We're here for you.  Let's talk.

Our mission:  to seek to understand the patient holistically yet dynamically, and to offer evidence-based, patient-centered medication management and psychotherapy services mindfully, emphasizing safety, consent, and collaboration.

Learn more about our services below.


Psychotherapy is an important adjunct to treatment with medication.  It is not unusual for psychotherapy to be the more effective tool for long-term benefit, and it can even stand alone in some cases.  Dr. Holbrook's psychotherapy style varies depending on your needs, but incorporates psychodynamic elements with techniques from CBT, DBT, and others.  You may receive "homework," but your care will emphatically be free from judgement and shame.

Medication Management

Medication is prescribed mindfully:  minimizing agents and dosages but optimizing its role in providing relief from symptoms.  Dr. Holbrook seeks not only your consent to treatment but also your enthusiastic assent, discussing the scientific reasoning behind medication choices and their mechanisms.  You will be encouraged to share your thoughts and experience openly and honestly.   Collaborative decisions translate into hope and trust, both of which yield greater benefit from treatment.